
  I see,  Eye see 以「心靈的眼睛」為主題,來看這奇幻、色彩鮮豔的世界,Cindy眼裏的世界時而雲聚,時而星散,Cindy眼裏的物體與動物隨時在改變造型,利用強烈大膽的配色,微妙的動態與造型,創造出I see,  Eye see充滿古怪奇趣、視覺變奏的動物插畫,作者Cindy Wang的繪畫有著個人獨特風格,其畫作以飽滿的色彩,大膽的線條與色塊描繪出許多可愛的非洲動物,書中的動物無論表情、姿態皆栩栩如生,作品裡充滿具象與非具象的插畫,帶給讀者鮮明又強烈的印象 。



王怡璇(Cindy Wang)



  曾獲2004年香港國際海報三年展入選、莫斯科金鋒國際平面設計雙年展入選、香港設計師協會獎優選、日本One Show Design Award 2007 MERIT Award 入選。2010年更以特殊裝幀設計的插畫書《視覺馬戲團》獲7項最具指標性的國際視覺設計競賽類大獎,包含亞洲最具影響力設計金獎、美國ADC Award、日本One Show Design、德國紅點設計獎、iF設計獎以及台灣金蝶獎。


1.    I seeEye see page 3
2.    I seeblue clouds in the sky page 5
3.    I see a big pink cat in the jungle page 6
4.    Bunny is jumping up and down page11
5.    I see a duck quacks and waddles in the lake page 15
6.    I see many flamingos in the jungle page 16
7.    I see an elephant in the jungle page 18
8.    I see a bird page 20
9.    I see a lemur in the jungle page 24
10.    I see a giraffe in the savanna page 27
11.    I see a baboon with black eyes in the jungle page 30
12.    I see penquins march page 34
13.    I see a circle page 36
14.    I see a sheep in the mountain page 40
15.    I see a fox went out on a chilly night page 47
16.    I see a tiger in the jungle page 51
17.    I see an africa deer in the color rock page 58
18.    I see a hippo lived in the pood page 61
19.    I see a lazy grizzly bear page 66
20.    I see an anteater page 73
21.    I see a Zebra she walks through the African safari page 80

  晴朗無雲的天空下,放眼望去是人煙罕至的非洲原始叢林,陽光滲透到非洲草原的每個角落,空間無邊無際延展到天邊, I see,  Eye see 以「心靈的眼睛」為主題,來看這奇幻、色彩鮮豔的非洲原始叢林草原,「我很喜歡使用鮮豔明亮的色彩創作,因為它們看起來非常開心吸引人;但我也常用白色與黑色,因為白色與黑色可以表達深沈的寧靜與幽玄的心靈,是一個充滿無限可能性的想像空間。」Cindy 對於「動物」 情有獨鍾, Cindy眼裏的物體與動物隨時在改變造型,利用強烈大膽的配色,微妙的動態與造型,創造出I see,  Eye see充滿古怪奇趣、視覺變奏的動物插畫。

  作者Cindy Wang的繪畫有著個人獨特風格,其畫作以飽滿的色彩,大膽手繪的線條與色塊描繪出許多可愛的非洲動物,她畫的動物可以是拉長變形、黑眼圈的大眼睛,作品裡充滿具象與非具象的插畫,以及她對空間、線條、形狀、顏色的掌控, 插畫裡帶著許多衝突矛盾的美感、同時也展露成熟的童心,。

  Color, Emotion, Freedom and Love.

  “The colors are in love. This moved me particularly.”

  The color can create the atmosphere and the emotion. The color creates the shape sometimes. It depends on the relation,proportion, rhythm, size, amount and how we placed colours together. It is like music. Each individual tone is beautiful by itself and incertain groupings we create new dimensions, harmony, disharmony,symphonies, operas and books for children. Across words, I enjoy many works arriving in heart like music.  In everyday life, people strictly distinguish between space and time. Even in art theory, art is categorized according to space and time. In reality, however, colours and shapes sound in space in a very similar way as tones do, and sounding, whether of music, colours or shapes, taking place in time, helps to create and shape the quality of space.

  I attempts to make my books not only entertaining, it is also the artist’s approach to a child reader with artistic and typographic originality. The themes of my stories are usually drawn from my extensive knowledge and love of nature. When drawing, I attempts to recognize my feelings, inquisitiveness and creativity, as well as stimulate my writing; It expresses my feelings and my thoughts.

  My illustrations and artist’s books draw on the artist’s concept search for new forms of artistic expression. One of the aims of the exhibition is to point out the connection between my book illustrations and with my other design work both characteristics in being experimental, playful and humorous.


  • ISBN:9789869331500
  • 規格:精裝 / 88頁 / 23 x 26.5 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> > >


Every morning,
when I open my eyes,
I whisper good morning to natures’ vibrant colors surrounding me
with a scent of wonder in my soul.
I see,
Eye see,
I see,
Eye see.  
I see  blue clouds in the sky,
seeing the blossoming red flowers,
bright yellow sun light through the window
that made my eyes sparkle with happiness...
I see, eye see the wonderful  world
I see, eye see the colorful world...

I see an elephant in the jungle.
They are very big animals
and have a very long nose
called a trunk.
They make a color “ Gray”.

I see a bird.
The birds see me.
I like the birds.
The birds like me.
Big green birds.
One, two, three.
I like the birds
and the birds like me.

I see a sheep in the mountain.
He was very naughty.
One day he said to himself,
I will go down the mountain,
I see a sheep climb up
a mountain,





不知道大家有沒有關注一個新聞——蘋果關閉大中華區以外所有零售門店。 因為疫情形勢嚴峻,很多國家都處於恐慌狀態,社會秩序難以維護,所以關店的決定情理之中,不過網友們也因此提出了疑問,蘋果對中國這麼特殊對待是因為在中國的市場最大嗎?如果蘋果退出中國,除了給公司帶來不利影響,回對我們造成什麼後果呢?手機店老闆給出答案。 ... 眾所周知,前段時間中國也處於水深火熱之中,當時幾乎全國的店鋪都關門了,因為開門也沒有顧客,大家都宅在家裡躲病毒呢,後來因為復工延遲,蘋果的合作工廠富士康還受到了影響。 ... 雖然蘋果的在國際上有很大市場,但是近幾年我國的科技發展也有很大進步,比如華為和小米手機,也越來越國際化,支持國貨的人也越來越多,這也導致愛國人士拒絕蘋果手機,還有人呼籲大家都不買蘋果,逼蘋果退出中國,可是大家不知道,如果蘋果真的退出中國市場,對我們也是非常不利的。 ... 有一位手機店老闆表示,只有合作才能共贏,經濟全球化的今天,為了進步一定需要合作交流,我們不能只看到國外企業在中國賺了多少錢,也要看到國外企業的到來,為我們帶來了多少利益。首先,蘋果電子產品的質量大家有目共睹,很多用過的人表示只用蘋果也是有原因的,如果有一天中國的手機達到或超越了蘋果的水平,不用呼籲,該買的人自然會買。 ... 還有很重要的一點是,蘋果在中國市場發展,帶動了我國工廠的發展,富士康是蘋果最大的硬體提供商,為我國幾十個萬人提供了就業崗位,如果蘋果退出中國,就意味著有幾十萬人事業,往大了說,可能幾十萬個家庭都將受到打擊。










壹讀 https://read01.com/5ndkLga.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010723751




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